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MSU Honors Program

The Honors Program at Minnesota State University, Mankato is committed to supporting motivated undergraduate students by providing them with exceptional learning opportunities, mentoring relationships, and a supportive community that fosters their personal, academic, and professional development.

 My Mission Statement 

My mission as I progress through the honors program is to grow in the three competencies in order to expand my knowledge, gain a better understanding for other cultures, and become a better leader.

Why Honors?

My participation in the Honors program has greatly enhanced my college experience. The Honors program has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone by engaging in various activities that I might not have otherwise participated in. These experiences have helped me discover my leadership strengths, learn more about different cultures, and expand my knowledge.


One of my greatest areas of growth has been in leadership. Since coming to college, I have taken on several leadership positions including the club for my major (NSSLHA), leading a Bible study, and being a student-athlete. Each of these positions has taught me something about myself and about leadership. I have discovered that my top five leadership strengths are includer, belief, harmony, futuristic, and connectedness. After becoming aware of these strengths, I noticed how evident they are as I lead. In each position, it was one of my top priorities to make sure everyone involved felt included and valued. In NSSLHA, I ensured everyone had a voice by creating surveys to get constructive feedback from others. Through leading the Bible study, I created a positive environment where each person could share openly and honestly and feel supported. As a student-athlete, I cultivated meaningful relationships with my teammates and checked in with them often. Reflecting on my leadership experiences also taught me about my weaknesses that I will continue to actively work on.


My awareness and appreciation for other languages and cultures have also grown immensely through the Honors program. Without the Honors program, I would not have known about many of the intercultural activities that I have participated in. I came into college with a declared Spanish minor, but as my love for learning about this culture increased, I switched it to a double major. The first program that I joined, the Language Partner Program, taught me that it wasn’t only the Hispanic culture that I enjoyed learning about. I got to interact with students from China in this program. Learning about their culture was very interesting to me because it was different from the two main cultures I was familiar with- Hispanic and my own. This opened my eyes to a bigger picture, thinking about all of the cultures of the world. I knew that I had barely scratched the surface, only learning about two different cultures. I also learned about another culture, or group of people, being grouped together based on disability. I participated in Garden EngAGEment, where I interacted with individuals with Alzheimer’s and their care partners. This activity opened my eyes to what it is like to live with or have a family member with a disability. I grew in compassion for these individuals and a desire to speak up when I see individuals with disabilities being discriminated against or treated unfairly. I learned how to support these individuals and have meaningful conversations with them.


The biggest area of growth for me has been my participation in research. Without the encouragement from the Honors program, I don’t know that I would have joined a research team. I always found it interesting but worried about not having enough time in my busy schedule. I soon realized, though, that I could make the time for it, and it was worth it. I am still in the process of completing my first research project and will present my findings in the Spring of 2023, but I have already learned more about being part of a research team, the research process, and how it specifically applies to my field. Joining the team also taught me that I should do things out of my comfort zone because I will often grow as a result of it.


The Honors program has shaped my college experience into a very meaningful one, full of learning experiences, meaningful reflection, and a lot of growth. I am grateful that I decided to join the Honors program and for how it has impacted my life as a student and future professional. The knowledge and experiences I have gained will stick with me for the rest of my life and lead me toward success in my future career.

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